Home Sleep Testing
A home sleep study is used to evaluate sleep apnea – a sleep-related breathing disorder – by wearing a special device during sleep that measures blood oxygen levels, heart rate, breathing effort, body position, and snoring.
At AAIRS Online, we utilize WatchPAT technology which uses the Peripheral Arterial Tone (PAT®) signal, a non-invasive measure of the arterial pulsatile volume changes at the fingertip to identify respiratory events. This signal also gives medical specialists insight into one’s cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems

In-Lab Sleep Testing
A polysomnogram (PSG) is done in a facility-based laboratory where patients are monitored during sleep for 1-2 nights to study not only sleep apnea but other disorders such as narcolepsy, sleep-related seizure disorders, periodic leg movement and restless leg disorders, REM behavior disorder, insomnia, and other parasomnias. PSGs are also a preferred method of testing when a person has many comorbidities that may impact their sleep health, such as heart or lung disease. A PSG makes it possible to obtain information related to these disorders by measuring brain wave activity, muscle activity, eye movement, blood oxygen levels, heart rate, and breathing rate during sleep.
A CPAP/BiPAP titration test is done in-lab to study and prescribe specific PAP machine pressures during sleep
Multiple sleep latency testing is used to evaluate narcolepsy and lasts a full day. These in-lab tests measure how fast a person falls asleep when given the chance to nap and how quickly REM sleep begins
Our Clinic
We offer top-quality in-lab sleep testing at our Michigan facilities in Troy and Sterling Heights.
If your doctor has recommended an in-lab sleep study for you, contact Troy Sleep Center at (248) 689-1000 for more information.
Our state-of-the-art sleep testing facility in Troy has four bedroom suites, each of which are clean, private, and secure. Each suite has an attached bathroom, two with full showers. We also offer the following accommodations to make your sleep testing a comfortable experience:
Our board certified physicians and registered sleep technologists are in the office 24-hours a day to ensure all sleep testing patients are cared for and made to feel comfortable during their stay.